Mrs Bio's family keeps GROWING!

As the market leader, we’re incredibly excited to further expand our high-quality offering. Our BioMarinated AND BioCheese Grated Parmesano promise to be the perfect dairy-free, accessible substitutes for those products you’ve been missing.

BioCheese Grated Parmesano

Our authentic-tasting dairy-free Parmesano has that unique hard, gritty texture all-the-while being sharp, fruity and nutty in taste. Now grated for your convenience, this Italian gem is perfect for serving on top of pizzas or pastas or through risottos and soups.

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BioMarinated 300g (2).png


Marinated in Australian Extra Virgin Olive oil, garlic and herbs, this smooth and creamy product will be a fridge staple in no time. Enjoy on its own, spread on toast or crackers, or crumble through salads. You won’t believe it’s dairy free.

How do you get your hands on some?

Both products will be available at select independent grocers (e.g.- Ritchies, IGAs, Cornetts and Drakes) across Australia.

THIS is where you come in. Here at My Life HQ we LOVE a bit of teamwork. If you’d like to see these products at your local supermarkets, give them a shout at the following links for Coles and Woolworths to let them know! Alternatively, you can fill out our Product Request Form and submit it to your local grocer or health food store!

Happy tasting!