Plastic Free July

The challenge to go plastic free has it’s own month! Welcome to Plastic Free July – a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation. Each July, we can take stock of our plastic production and make positive changes to help reduce the impact of plastic pollution on our planet.

Some fast facts on plastic pollution:

There has been more plastic produced in the last 10 years than in the entirety of the last 100 years

A million plastic bottles are bought every single minute

Plastic production is set to quadruple by 2050

Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans

There are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean

What can you do to lessen your impact?

Now more than ever people are opting to go plastic and even waste free. It seems like a simple fix, but it’s difficult to change behaviour that is so innate to us as humans living in this time. If you’re not ready to opt into a waste free lifestyle just yet, that is ok! All that matters is that you take small positive changes to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

In Australia, we’ve recently made a transition out of lightweight plastic shopping bags. It’s a small change that has encouraged the masses to opt in to reusable bags for their supermarket shopping. Here are some other things you can do to lessen your impact:

1. Take stock of your plastic use. What can you swap out? Head to our post on sustainable swaps for some great inspiration!

2. Rethink that plastic bottle of water! Carry a refillable water bottle with you, there are so many great ones out there in all different sizes to suit every lifestyle. If you’re on the go and in need of hydration, opt for a glass bottled product that you can reuse later. Our sister brand AquaBotanical is 100% recyclable and reusable, plus it’s the world’s most sustainable pure drinking water. Check them out!

3. Say no to plastic cutlery. Takeaway for dinner? Say no to all the bells and whistles. And when you’re finished, recycle those containers!

4. Buy in bulk. There are so many great bulk food stores popping up all over Australia. Think aisles bursting with tubs of grains, dried fruit, snacks, lollies and even cleaning products all there for you to bring your own containers and fill up. In many instances, it works out cheaper. It’s better for you and better for the environment.

5. Get educated on microbeads in beauty products. These little balls in exfoliating products are part of a much bigger problem. Not only are they not great for the health of your skin (they can cause microtears to the epidermis), but they are small enough to slip through water treatment plants. Make a better choice for your health and the environment and avoid!

6. Advocate for change. Get educated on plastic pollution and help lobby against companies that aren’t making the ethical choice. Be wary of greenwashing, it’s a dangerous practice that has become commonplace!

7. Get involved with Plastic Free July. Head to their website and see how you can get involved. It’s not too late to register for schools, or even host your own plastic free morning tea.

There’s so many ways to reduce your footprint. Why not start now?
