Plant-Based Christmas Desserts

Last on the menu, but certainly not least, are our heart-warming, Christmas-themed desserts. Completely plant-based and guaranteed to satisfy your inner sweet tooth:

BioButtery Fruit Mince Tarts


Christmas spice and ALL things nice! It truly feels like Christmas once fruit mince tarts start popping up at local bakeries and cafes.

Baked Banana Donut Reindeer


The Festive Season is all about friends, family and creativity. This is the perfect recipe to bring everyone together - it’s simple, it’s delicious and it’s a whole lot of fun.

BioButtery Chocolate Gingerbread Men

Spread the festive cheer with these smiley gingerbread men. The only thing that could possibly make regular gingerbread ANY better is knowing that they’re entirely nasty-free, nut-free and chocolatey!

BioCreamy Chocolate Cupcakes


Enjoy the sweet taste of these chocolate cupcakes combined with our heavenly BioCreamy, for a quick and tasty dessert that the whole family will love!